Local Rules

1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
Beyond any wall, fence, railing, or hedge bounding the course and/or beyond a line defined by white stakes. Also, beyond the ditch on the right-hand side of the 14th fairway running all the way around the back of the 14th green and onwards along the right hand side only of the 15th hole to behind the 16th tee is out of bounds. A ball in this ditch is within bounds.

2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17)
Any body of water on the course including lake, pond, ditch or surface drainage ditch, whether or not containing water, should be treated as a red penalty area. The edge of the penalty area is defined by its natural boundaries, that is, where the ground breaks sharply downwards. Relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed.

When penalty areas are formed by sleepers, the sleepers themselves are deemed to be in the penalty area and so relief without penalty is not an option.

As an additional relief option, on holes 5 (left-hand side only), 14 and 15, a player in a penalty area may drop a ball on the opposite side of the penalty area to where the ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area but the same distance from the hole.

3. Abnormal Ground Conditions & Integral Objects (Rule 16 & Rule 8.1a)
In accordance with Rule 16, a player may take relief without penalty from any area identified as Ground Under Repair (GUR) by being contained within a freshly painted white line. Relief MUST be taken from any area identified as GUR by being contained within a freshly painted blue line or blue stakes.

The artificial surfaces lining the bunkers are an integral part of the course. Relief under Rule 16 is therefore not available.

Should a ball come to rest in a deep rut, not a shallow indentation, made by vehicle tyres, relief may be taken under Rule 16.1. A rut is considered deep where if a ball is lying in it, the club head cannot connect with it or follow through without interference from an edge of the rut or, if the player has to stand with a foot in it, the player cannot take a normal balanced stance. Relief may be taken even if the area is not marked by a white line at the nearest point of relief on either side of the damage but not nearer the hole.

At the player’s option animal
waste may be treated as either a loose impediment that may be removed under
rule 15.1 or ground under repair from which relief is allowed under rule 16.1

4. Wrong Green (Rule 13)
A player MUST take relief under Rule 13 if the ball comes to rest on a wrong putting green or a wrong putting green interferes with either the stance or intended swing. When taking wrong green relief, a wrong green is defined to include the area within 2 club lengths of the edge of the putting green.

5. No Play Zones (Rule 16)
Free relief MUST be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.

The memorial plantation to the right-hand side of the 1st tee, as defined by blue stakes, is a no play zone.

6. Immovable Obstructions
All parts of the irrigation system are deemed to be immovable obstructions whether fixed or not. Relief may be taken without penalty.

This includes ‘habitat piles’ (piles of logs situated in woodland areas to encourage bugs and insects). These are defined as immovable obstructions.

In addition, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is on the line of play and is within 2 club lengths of the putting green and within 2 club lengths of the ball.

7. Protection of Young Trees
Areas around young trees, identified by being supported or protected by a stake or other device such as a tube or rabbit cage, are no play zones.

8. Suspension of Play
A suspension of play for a dangerous situation will be signalled by one prolonged note of the siren. All other suspensions will be signalled by 3 consecutive notes. In either case, resumption of play will be signalled by 2 short notes.

PENALTY for breach of any of the above Rules
Match Play – Loss of hole
Stroke Play – Two Strokes

9. Preferred Lies (Model Local Rule E-3)
When any part of a player's ball touches part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:

* Reference Point: Spot of the original ball.
* Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: 6 inches from the reference point
* Limits on Location of Relief Area:
-- Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
-- Must be in the general area.

In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e. But, for the purposes of applying Rule 14.2e, the player has only chosen the spot on which to place the ball once the ball has been set down, and the player has let the ball go with the intent for that ball to be in play.

After a ball has been placed and is in play under this Local Rule, if the player then proceeds under another Rule that provides relief, this Local Rule may be used again.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a

10. Drainage Lines
Relief may be taken where a ball comes to rest on drainage lines in any closely mown area. Relief must be taken at nearest point of relief.
Relief may also be taken from the drain lines in the rough on the 3rd, 4th and 17th holes. However, the ball must be dropped at the nearest point, within the rough. Drainage grills or covers are immovable obstructions, except those that lie within a hazard.